20,000 gallons of city water, spiked with high levels of specific contaminants, was run through a KDF/GAC cartidge. The efficiency shown below was measured AFTER 20,000 gallons had passed through the cartridge (when new, removal is 99+%). Most other non-standard tests show results after only one pass of contaminated water, which does not indicate how the filter will perform towards the end of its life. To pass the NSF-53 protocol, the effluent must be under the EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) throughout the test.

All concentrations are measured in milligrams per liter (mg/l).

Test Results at 20,000 Gallons
Chemical Influent Effluent Efficiency EPA MCL
THM (chloroform) 0.57 0.029 95% 0.1
Lead 0.19 0.006 97% 0.025
Fluoride (1) 8.26 0.78 91% 1.4
Nitrate (1) 30.7 8.03 74% 10.0
Barium 10.4 0.56 95% 1.0
Arsenic 0.37 0.007 98% 0.05
Cadmium 0.03 0.004 87% 0.01
Chromium VI 0.15 0.011 93% 0.05
Chromium III 0.163 0.003 98% 0.05
Selenium 0.1 0.006 94% 0.01
Mercury 0.006 0.000* 99+% 0.002
Endrin 0.0008 0.000* 99%+ 0.0002
Lindane 0.011 0.0012 89% 0.004
Methoxychlor 0.32 0.0059 98% 0.1
Toxaphene 0.013 0.000* 99%+ 0.005
2,4-D 0.3 0.02 93% 0.1
Silvex (2,4,5-TP) 0.029 0.004 86% 0.01


* - Below detectable limit.
(1) - While this test shows a reduction in these contaminants, KDF is inconsistant in their removal in certain water conditions. We offer special nitrate and fluoride filters, or reverse osmosis, if removal is needed.

A separate test was run on another KDF/GAC cartridge to determine chlorine removal capacity. The challenge solution contained 3 mg/l chlorine (most cities use less than 1 mg/l). 2 mg/l lead was also added. At 20,000 gallons, both were being removed 99.9+%. The test was terminated at 28,400 gallons when the chlorine removal rate hit 90%. The lead removal was still 97.6%.


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    KDF/GAC Home Water Filter Replacement Cartridge
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