First Stage: The first stage consists of Doulton sterasyl ceramic which provides genuine sub micron filtration. The cartridge reduces fine particulate matter, bacteria, cysts and turbidity. The incorporation of silver locked within the ceramic structure gives enhanced bacteriostatic and self sterilizing properties.
Second stage: An inner core of activated carbon block removes chlorine and organic compounds.
Ceramic ultracarb cartridge can be cleaned and reused many times.
All Doulton ceramic cartridges are bacteriostatic - that is, self sterilizing for bacteriological safe cleaning and handling.
Capacity: 1000 gallons. Flow: 0.5 Gallon Per Minute
Filtration efficiency of >99.99% at 0.9 µm absolute (0.5 µm ANSI standard).
Filtration efficiency of >99.9% at 0.5 - 0.8 micron.
Highly efficient bacteriological filtration.
High levels of chlorine and VOC removal.
Lead and other heavy metal reduction.